Cook Islands

Cook Islands Rarotonga
The Cook Islands (Rarotonga) are a self-governing parliamentary democracy in free association with New Zealand. The 15 small islands in this South Pacific Ocean have a total land area of 240 km2.

The Cook Islands are a self-governing parliamentary democracy in free association with New Zealand. The 15 small islands in this South Pacific Ocean have a total land area of 240 km2.

Cook Islands Cook Islands Tourism drives the Economy as the country's number one industry, far ahead of offshore banking, pearls, marine and fruit exports. A popular art form on the islands is tivaivai, often likened to quilting.

Defense is the responsibility of New Zealand, in consultation with the Cook Islands and at its request.


Map of Cook Islands High Cook Islands
Rarotonga (capital)
Low islands of the Southern group
Northern Cook Islands
Penrhyn Island also known as Tongareva or Mangarongaro
Suwarrow also called Suvorov
Palmerston Island

Official Language English, Cook Islands Maori
Capital Avarua
Head of State Queen Elizabeth II
Queen's Representative Sir Frederick Goodwin KBE
Prime Minister Jim Marurai
Area 240 km2
Population (July 2005 Estimate) 21,388
– Date None; became self-governing in free association with New Zealand August 4, 1965.
National anthem Te Atua Mou E (God is Truth)
Currency New Zealand dollar (NZD). Also, have local $5, $2, 50c, 20c, 10c, and 5c coins that can't be used elsewhere.
Time zone UTC -10
Calling Code 682
Internet TLD .ck


Holidays Date Name
January 1 New Year's Day
January 2 Day after New Year's Day
The Friday before Easter Sunday Good Friday
The Day after Easter Sunday Easter Monday
April 25 ANZAC Day
The First Monday in June Queen's Birthday
July Rarotonga Gospel Day
August 4 Constitution Day
October 26 Gospel Day
December 25 Christmas
December 26 Boxing Day