Hi Everyone!
I'm writing today to let you know some really cool news. I just became a Dot TK Ambassador! If you don't already know about Dot TK www.dot.tk it is the exclusive domain Registry for the islands of Tokelau, a tiny group of islands in the South Pacific, with 1,500 people.
Tokelau is very poor and very isolated, but we all hope to see that change in the very near future! Dot TK has created the Tokelau Internet Project, which is attracting the worlds attention to the needs of Tokelau, as well as securing funding and new technologies for the island. They desperately need better communications, education and medical care! One of the ways Dot TK is spreading the word about Tokelau is by GIVING away their domains for FREE!
I have registered my FREEDOMAIN.TK site(s) already.
Please take a second and visit!
The important thing is that as an Ambassador, I have committed to tell all my friends and family about Tokelau and Dot TK. So, today I am asking you to please visit dot.tk and read about Tokelau. Then, before you leave the site, register at least one FREEDOMAIN.TK domain (you can actually have up to three if you want!). You will see that a lot of the great domain names are still available!
Please use the following Ambassador Coupon Number during the registration process to make sure that the Tokelau registry knows you came through me!
Our goal is to get 1,000,000 FREEDOMAIN.TK registrations. So, please join me in helping Tokelau by registering a FREEDOMAIN.TK domain today.
It’s really easy to register and it only takes a few minutes. Also, once you have registered, if you want to help Tokelau even more, you can become a Dot TK Ambassador, too!
Download TK-it! - Free
Registers unlimited FREE Dot TK domain names with a right mouse click directly from your browser.
Renames a link on a webpage directly from your browser into an easy-to-remember domain name. TweaK and Twitter: renames a link on a webpage from your browser into a Dot TK domain name -and- allows you to post this immediately to your Twitter account.
Immediate access to Dot TK Traffic Check where you can check all web traffic to your domains.
Immediate access to My Dot TK where you can modify your domains and setup email forwarding via TK Mailias.
Let me know if you have any questions...
TK Junior Ambassador Polynesia.TK
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