The Moorings Sponsors Expedition Biosphere Fakarava in TahitiMarketwire (press release)This research mission focuses on studying whales and dolphins in a vast region of the South Pacific, French Polynesia's Tuamotu and …

The Moorings Sponsors Expedition Biosphere Fakarava in TahitiMarketwire (press release)This research mission focuses on studying whales and dolphins in a vast region of the South Pacific, French Polynesia's Tuamotu and …
LANGUES. Le tahitien reste interdit à l'Assemblée de Polynésie –RFOLa Cour européenne des droits de l'homme a rejeté une plainte concernant l'interdiction de s'exprimer en tahitien à l'Assemblée parlementaire de …
New Zealand Herald Love of Polynesia curator's guideNew Zealand HeraldIn 2006, a rare Polynesian canoe was the first of an estimated five million items moved back to the museum from …
Miss French Polynesia embarks for world title in ChinaRadio AustraliaThe youngest contestant for the Miss World Competition, 19-year-old Miss French Polynesia Mihilani Teixeira, is currently in China for the final …
imaging resource (press release) PRESS RELEASE: Photo Workshop Will Cruise from Tahiti to South Pacific Islands …imaging resource (press release)McKenna, in addition to documenting the beauty and culture of French …