New study rewrites Polynesian New New Zealand-led study suggests the early human colonisation of East Polynesia was far more rapid and recent than previously thought, and illustrates …Study …

Polynesia New study rewrites Polynesian New New Zealand-led study suggests the early human colonisation of East Polynesia was far more rapid and recent than previously thought, and illustrates …Study …
Le Post (Blog) S'expatrier en Polynesie avec sa famille…Le Post (Blog)Comme dit hier, je pars avec femme et enfant(s) m'installer en polynesie avant la fin du 1er semestre 2011. Est …
French Polynesia plane sale process slowRadio New Zealand InternationalThe French Polynesian government is struggling to find a buyer for the presidential plane, which had been acquired by a former head …
Le tourisme en 2010 en Polynesie FrançaiseLe Post (Blog)Le tourisme en Polynésie française représente 13 % du PIB de ces îles. Entre 2000 et 2007, l'archipel a accueilli en moyenne …
French Polynesia bans New Zealand oystersRadio New Zealand InternationalFrench Polynesia's government is maintaining the ban introduced last month on the importing of live oysters from New Zealand. The restriction follows …