Trial of men charged over Ashika tragedy starts Monday at Tonga parliamentRadio New Zealand InternationalThe accused are former managing director of the Shipping Corporation of Polynesia, New Zealander John Jonesse, …

Trial of men charged over Ashika tragedy starts Monday at Tonga parliamentRadio New Zealand InternationalThe accused are former managing director of the Shipping Corporation of Polynesia, New Zealander John Jonesse, …
Kauai has natural charmWaterloo RecordThe first in a chain of volcanic islands that emerged over millennia, it has for centuries drawn to its shores Polynesian adventurers, settlers from every …and …
Tongan ferry deaths trial moved to parliamentAFPThe four — the Shipping Corporation of Polynesia's managing director John Jonesse as well as the ferry captain, first mate and a senior public …
Аргументы и факты в Украине Бананы: еда и не только?Аргументы и факты в УкраинеИнтересный способ сбора бананов придумали жители Французской Полинезии. Один человек сбивает бананы длинным шестом, а второй подставляет …
Le Quotidien du Tourisme Polynésie : Le Grand jeu autour du monde de Thomas Cook et Jet …Le Quotidien du Tourisme… d'agents de voyages ont participé à la finale du …