S&P Junks French Polynesia With One-Notch DowngradeWall Street JournalStandard & Poor's Ratings Services downgraded French Polynesia a notch, moving it into junk territory amid "ongoing political and institutional turmoil." The …

S&P Junks French Polynesia With One-Notch DowngradeWall Street JournalStandard & Poor's Ratings Services downgraded French Polynesia a notch, moving it into junk territory amid "ongoing political and institutional turmoil." The …
Tahiti Presse Tuberculose: 41 cas déclarés en Polynésie en 2010Tahiti PresseUne réunion relative à la l'application du programme de lutte contre la tuberculose en Polynésie française au cours de laquelle …
French Polynesia president faces no confidence motionRadio New Zealand InternationalFrench Polynesia's pro-independence opposition Union For Democracy has lodged a no confidence motion in an attempt to oust the 15-month old …
Outre-mer : la fiscalité retouchéeEurope1L'Assemblée nationale a définitivement adopté mercredi soir une proposition de loi organique UMP sur la fiscalité des îles Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin et de Polynésie française. En votant …
PlanetSolar : Pacific crossing from the Galapagos to Polynesia in 25 days, 6 …BYM News (press release)But from the second week on, the Pacific embraced us and carried us westwards …