wandermelon BOOK BUZZ: Brando's Legacy Lives on in Tetiaroa, French Polynesia.wandermelonWith The Brando – a controversial luxury eco-resort on Tetiaroa – set to open this year, Bernard Judge's account of …

wandermelon BOOK BUZZ: Brando's Legacy Lives on in Tetiaroa, French Polynesia.wandermelonWith The Brando – a controversial luxury eco-resort on Tetiaroa – set to open this year, Bernard Judge's account of …
French Polynesia gets US$62m loan from FranceRadio New Zealand InternationalFrance has agreed to lend French Polynesia 62 million US dollars as the territory is short of funds amid a prolonged …
Les Nouvelles de Tahiti L'APF ne mettra plus le couvertLes Nouvelles de TahitiLe président de l'assemblée de la Polynésie française s'est dit favorable à certaines mesures visant à l'économie des …
Suva's super-size ordination serviceAnglican Communion News ServiceSuva's Holy Trinity Cathedral played host on Sunday to the largest ordination service ever held in the Diocese of Polynesia. Fifteen candidates to Holy …
Создание «языкового диалекта» у птиц занимает 50 летКомпьюлентаЭто похоже и на то, как образовывались диалекты на островах Полинезиив Тихом океане, и на разветвление романских языков в Европе на заре западной …