PACIFIC UPDATE: Electoral reforms seek stability in TahitiIsland BusinessAs long-serving independence leader Oscar Temaru returns to the Presidency in French Polynesia, the French government has moved to reform the Pacific …

PACIFIC UPDATE: Electoral reforms seek stability in TahitiIsland BusinessAs long-serving independence leader Oscar Temaru returns to the Presidency in French Polynesia, the French government has moved to reform the Pacific …
Mille Babords (Communiqué de presse) Indemnisation des vétérans des essais nucléaires : une loi en …Mille Babords (Communiqué de presse)En Polynésie, la Caisse de prévoyance sociale, face à la recrudescence …
Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes Fleur australe pouponneLes Nouvelles CalédoniennesAprès sa remise à l'eau et l'avitaillement nécessaire, Fleur Australe, qui vient de passer quelques jours en Polynésie, a de nouveau levé l'ancre, …
Call for caution amid French Polynesia's stalled reformsRadio New Zealand InternationalA group of French Polynesian assembly members says it would be a mistake to force through planned public sector cuts …
NZ has lifted intensity of assistance in Polynesia, says McCullyRadio New Zealand InternationalNew Zealand's Foreign Minister has arrived in Samoa on the second leg of a four-nation tour of Polynesia. …