Benjamin Wachs: Fixing our problems, not repeating themFairport-E.Rochester PostThey just couldn't stop building them because politicians didn't want to be seen as “anti-stone head,” and it was cheaper to important …

Benjamin Wachs: Fixing our problems, not repeating themFairport-E.Rochester PostThey just couldn't stop building them because politicians didn't want to be seen as “anti-stone head,” and it was cheaper to important … Message in a bottle: Professor's letter surfaces 14 years laterPhysOrg.comLeaving Honolulu far behind on the way to French Polynesia sometime after the equatorial crossing ceremonies aboard Holland-America's grand ocean …
Band to perform sounds of PolynesiaVentura County StarThey create a mix of the traditional sounds of Polynesia— log drums, skin drums and chant — with modern rock beats: electric guitar, …
11ème Salon Lire en Polynésie : la fête du livre rend hommage à la …TAHITI INFOSDu 6 au 9 octobre, les amoureux de la littérature du Fenua et du Pacifique …
Prêt AFD : le ton monte entre le Pays et l'EtatTAHITI INFOSLa polémique entre le Haut-commissaire et le président de la Polynésie française autour du prêt AFD prend de l'ampleur …