Radio New Zealand International Shock in Tonga that man jailed over Ashika sinking walks freeRadio New Zealand InternationalJohn Jonesse headed the Shipping Corporation of Polynesia, which operated the ferry whose …

Radio New Zealand International Shock in Tonga that man jailed over Ashika sinking walks freeRadio New Zealand InternationalJohn Jonesse headed the Shipping Corporation of Polynesia, which operated the ferry whose …
Кокойты поздравил братский народ Тувалу с Днем независимостиЮГА.руКак сообщали ЮГА.ру, островное государство Тувалу в сентябре объявило о признании независимости Абхазии и Южной Осетии. Государство Тувалу расположено на нескольких островах и …
11ème salon "Lire en Polynésie" du 06 au 09 octobreTAHITI INFOSL'Association des Editeurs de Tahiti et des Iles organise avec le soutien de partenaires publics et privés la 11ème édition …
French Polynesia's News Agency to Be Axed: (press release)PAPE'ETE – French Polynesia's 10-year-old Tahitipresse news agency is to be axed and closed down by the end of 2011, the …
Cuts to shut French Polynesia news websiteAustralia Network NewsFinancial cuts being introduced by the government of French Polynesia have claimed the scalp of a public news agency, Tahiti Presse. Funding …