CultureMob (blog) 'Gauguin and Polynesia': dazzling mix-and-matchThe Seattle TimesSeattle Art Museum's "Gauguin and Polynesia: An Elusive Paradise" presents work from the last 17 years of the French artist's life — …

CultureMob (blog) 'Gauguin and Polynesia': dazzling mix-and-matchThe Seattle TimesSeattle Art Museum's "Gauguin and Polynesia: An Elusive Paradise" presents work from the last 17 years of the French artist's life — …
Clive Palmer hosts French Polynesia presidentCourier MailCOAST VISIT: Mining magnate Clive Palmer and the President of French Polynesia, Oscar Temaru. Picture: Ben Vos Source: Quest Newspapers While Clive Palmer has …
'Near normal' cyclone activity for Southwest PacificVoxy… Zealand MetService have issued a tropical cyclone outlook on behalf of collaborating organisations from the southwest Pacific, including Australia, the USA, the Pacific …
Local briefs: Three part of Polynesian teamVentura County StarBy From staff reports Ventura's Nick Januska, St. Bonaventure's Shaun Wick and Channel Islands' Jeremiah Valoaga have earned Polynesia All-American honors. The … J'ai testé : le soin Esprit de Polynésieà la Villa ThalgoPuretrend.comPar ce froid polaire, la Villa Thalgo m'a accueillie pour un voyage au coeur même de la Polynésie. Bains, …