A riot of flowers and fish in Gauguin's paradiseCITY A.M.Did that justify twenty hours flying time to French Polynesia, I wondered. A few weeks later, swimming in a lagoon so …

A riot of flowers and fish in Gauguin's paradiseCITY A.M.Did that justify twenty hours flying time to French Polynesia, I wondered. A few weeks later, swimming in a lagoon so …
CASA invites you to a Hawaiian luauThe Star DemocratEntertainment includes traditional music with mesmerizing beauty of hula dancing, heart pondering spear dancing, and daring feats of the fire dancers performed …
Mike Fay's Pitcairn Journal: Return to PitcairnNational GeographicBy Mike Fay, NG Explorer-in-Residence I can hardly believe it: the Claymore headed back to Polynesia and I got left behind here on …
Conférence: «Relations entre l'Union européenne et la Polynésie…TAHITI INFOSEn tant que Pays et Territoires d'Outre-mer (PTOM), la Polynésie française dispose d'un régime particulier d'association compte tenu des liens qui l'unissent …
Jc BOUISSOU et Johann ROOPINIA en campagne à RaiateaTAHITI INFOSCes échanges ont permis de préciser que l'avenir de la Polynésie est intimement lié aux relations apaisées que nous devons avoir …