The French Polynesia festival underway in MelbourneRadio AustraliaThe inaugural French Polynesia festival has started, with business trying to attract tourists and also Australian markets for locally made products. As well …

The French Polynesia festival underway in MelbourneRadio AustraliaThe inaugural French Polynesia festival has started, with business trying to attract tourists and also Australian markets for locally made products. As well …
Yvelines Infos LA ROUTE DES CONTES – LA POLYNESIE – 8EME EDITIONYvelines InfosBien qu'en plein automne et loin de la chaleur de la Polynésie, cette exposition éloignée de tous les …
Les chiffres du recensement présentésLes Nouvelles de TahitiDu 22 août jusqu'au 18 septembre, 700 agents recenseurs ont visité la Polynésie. Organisé par l'Institut national de la statistique et des études …
Honolulu Weekly My Scare LadyHonolulu WeeklyThe truth is, he's in charge of a lot more than just the actors: His nights usually involve running around all of Polynesia, making sure …
ABC Science Online Ancient DNA sheds light on Maori settlementABC Science OnlineMaori arrival Ancient DNA preserved in the teeth of the first known New Zealanders, who died more than 700 …