Living Oceans Foundation gives Teacher a Classroom at SeaThe Herald | HeraldOnline.com11, 2013 — /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — On January 13th, Megan Berkle, a high school biology teacher from Huntington Park, California, …

Living Oceans Foundation gives Teacher a Classroom at SeaThe Herald | HeraldOnline.com11, 2013 — /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — On January 13th, Megan Berkle, a high school biology teacher from Huntington Park, California, …
Radio 1 Tahiti Victorin Lurel bientôt en PolynésieRadio 1 TahitiLe ministre de l'Outre-mer est attendu sur le fenua dimanche prochain pour un séjour marathon de 4 jours. Il devrait arriver …
Hollywood embraces Haneke's 'Amour' with handful of Academy Awards nominationsVancouver SunThe 101-day trip was designed to prove that South Americans could have settled Polynesia in pre-Columbus times. The $16 million …
Zee News Middle East emerges most preferred spot for Indians: SurveyZee News… preference for the Middle East," Skyscanner market development manager for India Kavitha Gnanamurthy says. Besides these, people are …
Pressing Thai, Tahitian, and Balinese Grapes: 5 New Latitude WinesVillage Voice (blog)The second largest atoll in the world is home to the Dominique Auroy Winery which produces French Polynesia's own …