Astronaut Snaps Beautiful Photo of 'Night-Shining Clouds'Our Amazing Planet5, looking down over French Polynesia in the South Pacific. Known as polar mesospheric or noctilucent clouds, these formations have been spotted …

Astronaut Snaps Beautiful Photo of 'Night-Shining Clouds'Our Amazing Planet5, looking down over French Polynesia in the South Pacific. Known as polar mesospheric or noctilucent clouds, these formations have been spotted …
Orlando Repertory Theatre opens 'Doctor Dolittle'Orlando SentinelIn the play, young Tommy Stubbins shares adventures with the good doctor and his friends Polynesia the Parrot, Chee Chee the Monkey, Jip the …
Nucléaire, politique: Lurel a donné des signes d'ouverture à la …TAHITI INFOSPAPEETE (Polynésie française), 21 jan 2013 (AFP) – Le ministre des Outre-mer Victorin Lurel, en déplacement en Polynésie française, …
Victorin Lurel réaffirme le soutien de la France à la PolynésieTAHITI INFOSVictorin Lurel a repris l'avion ce dimanche soir à 22 heures à Faa'a, à peine 16 heures après avoir …
Sentenced French Polynesian leader can still run in pollsRadio AustraliaThe visit comes as French Polynesia's current President Oscar Temaru is in New York to lobby the United Nations for the …