Paul Gauguin Cruises Debuts Its 2014 Voyages by Gauguin BrochureThe Herald | HeraldOnline.comFor 2014, seven- to 14-night voyages are offered on both ships, with The Gauguin sailing in French Polynesia, …

Paul Gauguin Cruises Debuts Its 2014 Voyages by Gauguin BrochureThe Herald | HeraldOnline.comFor 2014, seven- to 14-night voyages are offered on both ships, with The Gauguin sailing in French Polynesia, … (blog) At least four dead as boat sinks in French PolynesiaThe News InternationalPAPEETE: At least four Chinese sailors died when their fishing trawler sank 50 kilometres (30 miles) off … Utahns among those forming Polynesian Football Hall of FameSalt Lake TribuneNearly 60 players of Polynesian descent dot the rosters of National Football League teams, including former Highland High star …
Thalassa : la " Polynésie au cœur " ce vendrediEasyVoyageTELEVISION- L'émission voyageuse Thalassa sur la chaîne France 3 sera consacrée ce vendredi 9 août à la Polynésie et ses habitants. …
7.8.1947 г.: Експедицията на Хейердал със сала „Кон-Тики” прекосява Тихия океанБлицПрез 1937 г. младият 23-годишен студент по зоология заедно със съпругата му Лив заминават за Полинезия. Двамата живеят по полинезийски …