Farm to Table Samoa hits local (press release)Oliver last month launched his book Mea'ai Samoa: Recipes from the heart of Polynesia, which follows on from the award-winning Mea Kai: …

Farm to Table Samoa hits local (press release)Oliver last month launched his book Mea'ai Samoa: Recipes from the heart of Polynesia, which follows on from the award-winning Mea Kai: …
Les Nouvelles de Tahiti Légendes et contes de Polynésieà l'honneurLes Nouvelles de TahitiLe Service du patrimoine archivistique et audiovisuel, te pila faufa'a tupuna, a proposé, jusqu'à mercredi, une splendide exposition …
Polynesian People Used Binary Numbers 600 Years AgoScientific AmericanBinary Code: Previously thought to be invented at the start of the eighteenth century by Gottfried Leibniz, a study now shows that …
Les Nouvelles de Tahiti L'ONACVG de Polynésie française en chiffresLes Nouvelles de TahitiDepuis 2009, le budget du service de Polynésie n'a cessé de progresser, passant de 477 327 Fcfp à …
Washington Post Eye-catching photos of the yearWashington PostGarrett McNamara and Mark Healey compete during a free session of surf tow on the southern Pacific ocean island of Tahiti, French Polynesia, …