French Polynesia epidemic of zika virus could spreadRadio New Zealand InternationalPacific health authorities are stepping up surveillance of dengue-like illnesses as a new epidemic infecting one in ten people in …

French Polynesia epidemic of zika virus could spreadRadio New Zealand InternationalPacific health authorities are stepping up surveillance of dengue-like illnesses as a new epidemic infecting one in ten people in …
Quick Take: Michel BourezRed Bull (International)Stealer of the first ruby in the Triple Crown tiara, let's talk Power and Polynesia. What else? On the Polynesia Connection: I feel good here …
The man French expats in London would love to befriendFinancial TimesMost of the history and geology graduate's career has been spent in schools in French Territories, including Morocco and French …
Urgence : tous les appels "17" de Polynésie centralisés à PapeeteTAHITI INFOSLes appels d'urgence "17", en zone gendarmerie sur l'ensemble de la Polynésie française, seront centralisés vers le centre d'opérations …
"Nous avons décidé de vous accompagner", assure Victorin Lurel …TAHITI INFOSFAA'A, mercredi 27 novembre 2013 – Le ministre des Outremer, Victorin Lurel, est arrivé en début de matinée vers 6 …