French Polynesia outlines infrastructure investmentRadio New ZealandThe French Polynesian government has outlined infrastructure expenditure for this year amounting to more than 400 million US dollars. The programme, which is the …

French Polynesia outlines infrastructure investmentRadio New ZealandThe French Polynesian government has outlined infrastructure expenditure for this year amounting to more than 400 million US dollars. The programme, which is the …
Деловой Петербург Что они делают на ОлимпиадеДеловой ПетербургЕдет в Сочи и Полинезия. Например, саночник Бруно Банани выступит за флаг островов Тонга (кстати, по полинезийским меркам страна большая и авторитетная). Банани …
Palau President Tommy Remengesau Jr declares marine sanctuary, bans all …Radio AustraliaShark sanctuaries have since been declared in several other countries, including the Maldives, Honduras, Marshall Islands and French Polynesia. …
Tauranga historian diesNew Zealand HeraldEnthralled by tales of the South Pacific, they entered the ocean through the Panama Canal and spent a year absorbing the culture and history, particularly in …