Three Dots And A Dash Hosts 'Potions Of The Caribbean'ChicagoistAnd Berry explains the mystery of why the entrepreneurs opened "Polynesian" bars that actually served Caribbean-inspired cocktails. The reason? Polynesia itself …

Three Dots And A Dash Hosts 'Potions Of The Caribbean'ChicagoistAnd Berry explains the mystery of why the entrepreneurs opened "Polynesian" bars that actually served Caribbean-inspired cocktails. The reason? Polynesia itself …
Elections municipales: 1er débat en langue française sur Polynésie…TAHITI INFOSElections municipales: 1er débat en langue française sur Polynésie 1ère ce mercredi soir. Polynésie 1ère poursuit les débats en invitant tous …
BBC News Rare songbird faces fire ant threatBBC NewsThe Tahiti monarch (Pomarea nigra) is a species of monarch flycatcher that lives in four forested valleys on the island of Tahiti …
Chinese investment in French Polynesian spawns local jobsRadio New ZealandFrench Polynesia's fourth largest lagoon at Makemo Atoll is set to become a vast groper farm under a new aquaculture deal …
Episcopal News Service San Joaquin embraces next chapter with 'missional bishop' David RiceEpiscopal News Service… the presiding bishop administered the oath of conformity to the doctrine, discipline and worship of …