Tahiti: Package cuts cost of trip to French Polynesia as much as halfLos Angeles TimesAn Air Tahiti Nui package puts a summer vacation in the South Pacific within reach thorugh …

Tahiti: Package cuts cost of trip to French Polynesia as much as halfLos Angeles TimesAn Air Tahiti Nui package puts a summer vacation in the South Pacific within reach thorugh …
Polynésie 1ère info L'hypertension artérielle : ennemi N°1 de la santé en PolynésieTAHITI INFOSPAPEETE, le 12 mai 2014. (COMMUNIQUE) La Ministre de la Santé, Béatrice Chansin, a présenté ce lundi, …
Les Nouvelles de Tahiti Hommage à David Marae sur Polynésie 1èreLes Nouvelles de TahitiL'ancien journaliste David Marae est décédé dimanche matin. Polynésie 1ère lui rendra hommage samedi 17 mai en …
American ash creates Polynesia in DubaiTimber Trades JournalThe luxury hotel has been modelled on a Polynesian village in an effort to provide an alternative to the standard resort-like hotels in …
Shop-Eat-Surf.com Hawaiian Ben Aipa to be honored at surf show this weekendShop-Eat-Surf.comHarken back to ancient Polynesia – very rudimentary tools, just a chunk of wood and some hand tools. The …