Newstalk ZB Archbishop of Canterbury to visit NZNewstalk ZBThe Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is here for two days as part of a quick trip to the Philippines and Oceania. …

Newstalk ZB Archbishop of Canterbury to visit NZNewstalk ZBThe Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is here for two days as part of a quick trip to the Philippines and Oceania. …
Polynésie 1ère info Trials 2014, retour sur les temps forts de la compétition…Polynésie 1ère infoLa victoire de Taumata Puhetini, les belles prestations de nombreux surfeurs, mais aussi la blessure de …
Rentrée des classes : 69 000 élèves sur les bancs polynésiensTAHITI INFOSc'est le plus gros employeur de Polynésie : aussi quand tout ce personnel reprend le travail après six semaines …
BBC News Awesome Video of a Satellite in OrbitUniverse TodayThe video shows the satellite's rotation and reveals a spectacular vista of “blue marble” Earth (visible is cloudy skies over the …
GPB Global Parenting Habits That Haven't Caught On In The USGPBHopgood writes in her book that adults take the lead in caring for babies in Polynesia, but as soon as …