Genetic structure among Fijian island populationsNature.comFiji has been characterized as the 'Gateway to Polynesia', and yet the process of the peopling of Fiji and Western Polynesia remains unclear. Fiji was …

Genetic structure among Fijian island populationsNature.comFiji has been characterized as the 'Gateway to Polynesia', and yet the process of the peopling of Fiji and Western Polynesia remains unclear. Fiji was …
Polynésie 1ère info Charlie Hebdo : à Tahiti comme en métropole, le plan Vigipirate a …Polynésie 1ère infoE.Tang / M.Tumatariri / A.Le Quéré; Publié le 08/01/2015 | 16:50, mis à …
Governments must act against (press release)World governments including France must do much more against impunity for those who attack journalists, says the Pacific Freedom Forum. "It is no use …
Polynésie 1ère info Charlie Hebdo : une minute de silence, par-delà les services de l'EtatPolynésie 1ère infoJeudi 8 janvier, jour de deuil national. Les drapeaux sont en berne après l'attaque …
TNTV Charlie Hebdo : les gendarmes de Polynésie se recueillentTNTVAujourd'hui jeudi, à midi, les militaires et personnels civils de l'État major du COMGENDPF, présidé par le colonel Pierre Caudrelier, commandant …