Radio New Zealand French Polynesia hosts fewer tourists than 20 years ago, says reportRadio New ZealandThe report, published by the IEOM, says French Polynesia had just over 172 thousand visitors …

Radio New Zealand French Polynesia hosts fewer tourists than 20 years ago, says reportRadio New ZealandThe report, published by the IEOM, says French Polynesia had just over 172 thousand visitors …
Guyane 1ère Service civique en Polynésie : 200 places pour faciliter l'insertion …Guyane 1èreService civique en Polynésie : 200 places pour faciliter l'insertion des jeunes. Alain Michon, Polynésie 1ère; Publié …
Popdust Lindsay Lohan Catches Untreatable Virus On Vacation In French PolynesiaPopdustPoor Lindsay Lohan has managed to catch an untreatable virus while on holiday in French Polynesia. The actress revealed on …
Вести.Ru Новосибирские путешественники пройдут по маршруту Тура ХейердалаВести.RuВ феврале начнется первый этап перехода Сибирской команды путешественников в открытом океане от города Лима (Перу) до острова Пасхи. Экспедиция «Сибирь-Полинезия» пройдет на …
TAHITI INFOS Un site de "crowdfunding" pour se payer un voyage en PolynésieTAHITI INFOSPAPEETE, le 29 janvier 2015 – Air Tahiti Nui a lancé hier un nouveau site internet reposant …