Volunteers excited to kick off 2015 remailing programLoveland Reporter-HeraldMiss Loveland Valentine Ellen Colpitts pressed stamp to ink on Monday morning and applied the cachet stamp to the first letter of …

Volunteers excited to kick off 2015 remailing programLoveland Reporter-HeraldMiss Loveland Valentine Ellen Colpitts pressed stamp to ink on Monday morning and applied the cachet stamp to the first letter of …
Vancouver Sun Island-hopping in paradiseVancouver SunThe swimmer — a leisurely, string-bikini-clad snorkeller — and her marine entourage are part of the dreamy scenery in the islands of French Polynesia. My …
Новосибирцы отправились в плаванье от Перу до острова ПасхиАргументы и факты – НовосибирскСибиряки не первый раз отправляются в отчаянное плаванье. На этот раз экспедиция «Сибирь-Полинезия» стартует 10 февраля и продлится …
Popular Science Language Evolution May Depend On Population SizePopular SciencePolynesian languages are ideal because they're relatively new; Polynesia was settled relatively recently in human history. The languages diversified quickly across …
Guyane 1ère Hommage à Maadi Gobray, "Hina" de nos Tamarii volontairesGuyane 1èreCe samedi, l'occasion de la commémoration des 70 ans de la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale, Philippe Leydet, …