UCR professor receives $5 million to hunt Moby DickHighlander NewspaperThe rest of the funds will go toward paying Ahab's staff of over 30 crew members, all from diverse backgrounds including …

UCR professor receives $5 million to hunt Moby DickHighlander NewspaperThe rest of the funds will go toward paying Ahab's staff of over 30 crew members, all from diverse backgrounds including …
Polynésie 1ère Laurey / Tetuanui : la procédure d'exclusion est en marchePolynésie 1èreGaston Flosse a rédigé un courrier adressé au conseil politique du parti pour lui demander d'exclure Nuihau Laurey …
Libération Polynésie: la guerre est déclarée dans le parti de FlosseLibérationLes grands électeurs qui voteront aux sénatoriales partielles sont essentiellement les maires et conseillers municipaux des 48 communes de Polynésie, …
The Australian Financial Review Rarotonga has become the Pacific's hidden gemThe Australian Financial ReviewNot any more: it now offers the high-end service and amenities you'd expect in Fiji or French …
The National Dubai's best new brunches 2015 – in picturesThe NationalLocated on Dubai's Palm Jumeirah, Sofitel's brunch Moana offers Polynesia on a plate to diners looking for a romantic, well-paced …