'The time is right' for a sugay sweetened beverages taxVoxy… was about in terms of taxing sugary drinks." Dr Sundborn said New Zealand would become one of many countries to …

'The time is right' for a sugay sweetened beverages taxVoxy… was about in terms of taxing sugary drinks." Dr Sundborn said New Zealand would become one of many countries to …
Giving us a fat chance against obesityNew Zealand HeraldNauru, Fiji, Samoa, French Polynesia, parts of the US, France, Finland and Norway, Hungary and Denmark have instituted taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages. …
Polynésie 1ère La marche sur le feu en images…Polynésie 1èreTahiti – Polynésie – Actualité. La marche sur le feu en images… Par Service communication; Publié le 02/07/2015 | 10:59. C'est …
Stuff.co.nz Farm worker on track for next OlympicsStuff.co.nzThe same year he won the 400m race at the Oceania Championships in Polynesia, came second in the 200m and took part in …
Business Insider 25 remote islands you should visit in your lifetimeBusiness InsiderSo instead of visiting a well-known island, try something a little more remote. We've compiled a list of 25 …