Polynésie 1ère Quid de l'abrogation du Haut Conseil ?Polynésie 1èreLes élus de Taraho'i se réunissent, ce mardi matin, en session extraordinaire. Parmi les 11 rapports inscrits à l'ordre du jour, …

Polynésie 1ère Quid de l'abrogation du Haut Conseil ?Polynésie 1èreLes élus de Taraho'i se réunissent, ce mardi matin, en session extraordinaire. Parmi les 11 rapports inscrits à l'ordre du jour, …
Hometown Pasadena Living the Good Life: Polynesia PopHometown Pasadenab99ca2_7529ac244d244f0a81718626a47f4321.jpeg_srz_p_707_480_75_22_0.50_1.20_0 “Tiki culture is all about living the good life, having fun, and enjoying the tropical splendors it offers. “This first ever …
New society looks to protect Tongan heritageRadio New ZealandAn endangered site threatened by government development has triggered the creation of the Tonga Heritage Society. This week the group held its …
TV3.ie Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux's annual holiday plansTV3.ieThe couple were joined on their recent honeymoon to French Polynesia by friends including Jimmy Kimmel and wife Molly McNearney, actors Jason …
MyStatesman.com (subscription) The poetry of French PolynesiaMyStatesman.com (subscription)The blueberry waters of the Tuamotu Archipelago look good enough to eat. But I won't need to swallow them for sustenance because I …