The Independent Tahiti's wild side: More than a honeymoon hotspotThe IndependentI was bypassing Bora Bora's romantic torpor for an adventure-packed, culture-laced trip to three other French Polynesian islands: Moorea, Taha'a …

The Independent Tahiti's wild side: More than a honeymoon hotspotThe IndependentI was bypassing Bora Bora's romantic torpor for an adventure-packed, culture-laced trip to three other French Polynesian islands: Moorea, Taha'a …
Bulletin Leader DNA clue to earliest settlersNew Zealand HeraldBy comparing freshly profiled DNA with data already completed in Pacific islands, it could be possible to pinpoint the origin of Maori …
The Spokesman Review Then and Now: Spokane Street RailwayThe Spokesman ReviewIn 1900, the shops and car barn were demolished to make room for tracks coming from the Great Northern depot … Polynésie : Un pêcheur retrouvé après trois jours de dériveMeretmarine.comMobilisé ce samedi matin à l'aube, par le MRCC, le Gardian des Forces armées en Polynésie française a effectué un …
TNTV Aviron en Polynésie : des rêves de championnatTNTVLe cercle d'aviron polynésien Marara (C.A.P – Marara) existe depuis un an. Matthieu Forge est à l'initiative de ce projet. Le cercle …