Nations Adopt 'Doomsday Vaults' to Preserve Plant, Animal DNA Through FreezingAccuWeather.comCo-founder and Nottingham Professor Ann Clarke began this project alongside her husband, Bryan Clarke, while studying the colonization of French …

Nations Adopt 'Doomsday Vaults' to Preserve Plant, Animal DNA Through FreezingAccuWeather.comCo-founder and Nottingham Professor Ann Clarke began this project alongside her husband, Bryan Clarke, while studying the colonization of French …
Northern Star Footage Reveals New Shark Feeding BehaviorPR Newswire (press release)5, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Scientists with the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) dove into the shark-infested waters of …
Polynésie 1ère Un séminaire sur la relation parents/enfantsPolynésie 1èreOrganisé à l'initiative du groupe de réflexion sur la prévention des violences, en partenariat avec l'association formation action recherche en Polynésie, la …
The San Diego Union-Tribune China: Projecting power, healing with ship visitThe San Diego Union-TribuneThe Peace Ark, commissioned in 2008, sailed from China on Sept. 7 for its fifth major international …
TAHITI INFOS Que sait-on vraiment des terres rares en Polynésie française ?TAHITI INFOSPAPEETE, le 4 novembre 2015. Alors que l'exploration et l'exploitation des gisements miniers sous-marins devient un enjeu majeur, …