Helicopter rushes to cruise ship after passenger falls illNew Zealand HeraldThe Astor cruise ship, operated by Cruise & Maritime Voyages, was making a beeline for Auckland from French Polynesia when …

Helicopter rushes to cruise ship after passenger falls illNew Zealand HeraldThe Astor cruise ship, operated by Cruise & Maritime Voyages, was making a beeline for Auckland from French Polynesia when …
Polynésie 1ère Samoa : la perturbation tropicale pourrait se transformer en cyclonePolynésie 1èrepolynésie· Outre Mer · L'ACTU · TV · RADIO · SERVICES. Rechercher Rechercher une info, une emission. Papeete …
Мегаломания мегаблоковРоссия в глобальной политике… будучи лидерами в своих субрегионах (Латинская Америка, Австралия/Новая Зеландия/Полинезия, Юго-Восточная Азия), сумели создать разветвленную сеть двусторонних альянсов, которые нередко выходили за пределы тихоокеанского региона. Присоединение …
Radio New Zealand Wallis to join Pacific Leaders GroupRadio New ZealandFrench Polynesia's president says Wallis and Futuna will be integrated into the Polynesian Leaders Group. Edouard Fritch has told public …
Radio New Zealand Hollande tells Pacific about COP21 hopesRadio New ZealandThe French foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, told the meeting that, "a maximum should be two degrees, 1.5 degrees." Mr Hollande …