La DGA entre en actionLa Dépêche de TahitiAu coeur de ce document, l'article 77, “concours financiers de l'État à la Polynésie française.” Y sont inscrits les 90 millions d'euros (10,9 …

La DGA entre en actionLa Dépêche de TahitiAu coeur de ce document, l'article 77, “concours financiers de l'État à la Polynésie française.” Y sont inscrits les 90 millions d'euros (10,9 …
Aranui 3 hires KTCpr to promote cruises in Marqouesas Islands, French PolynesiaTravel Daily News InternationalAranui 3, a well-appointed passenger-cargo vessel plying the exotic waters of French Polynesia, has hired veteran … Истории от Олеся Бузины: Украина – не ФранцияFrom-ua.comЕй принадлежат Французская Гвиана, остров Мартиника, остров Реюньон (поблизости от Мадагаскара в Индийском океане), а в Тихом океане – Новая Каледония и …
Draw your own conclusionsRegister PajaronianChain rattled out the hawse pipe as we set the anchor in shallow lagoon water off Kamaka Island in French Polynesia. Curling waves from the deep …
Demonstrators hamper French Polynesia hospital openingRadio New Zealand InternationalDisgruntled contractors demanding to be paid have asked the French Polynesian government to pay its bills for the Taaone hospital which is …