A long-time member of French Polynesia’s pro-independence movement, Sabrina Birk, has quit politics, accusing her party of failing to live up to its own ideals. Ms Birk, who until November …

A long-time member of French Polynesia’s pro-independence movement, Sabrina Birk, has quit politics, accusing her party of failing to live up to its own ideals. Ms Birk, who until November …
Research and Markets: 3Q 2010 French Polynesia Mobile Operator Forecast Report …Centre Daily TimesMobile Operator Forecast on French Polynesia (ex-Tahiti) provides key operational and financial metrics for French Polynesia's wireless …
Philippe Gomès : « Je suis pour ce projet »Les Nouvelles CalédoniennesEn vacances en Polynésie française avec sa famille, le président du gouvernement, Philippe Gomès, en a profité pour se …
Essais nucléaires en Polynésie: risque accru de cancer de la thyroïdeAFPPARIS — Le risque de cancer de la thyroïde semble "légèrement augmenter" avec la dose d'irradiation reçue à la suite …
AFP 'Low' risk of thyroid cancer from French nuclear testsAFPFrance carried out 41 atmospheric tests in French Polynesia between 1966 and 1975 before conducting all further blasts underground, a practice …