Tahiti party critical of high commission's law challengeRadio New Zealand InternationalFrench Polynesia's Ia Mana Te Nunaa Party has criticised the French high commissioner in Papeete for challenging a law adopted …

Tahiti party critical of high commission's law challengeRadio New Zealand InternationalFrench Polynesia's Ia Mana Te Nunaa Party has criticised the French high commissioner in Papeete for challenging a law adopted …
Gaston Tong Sang et Edouard Fritch au congrès des mairesTAHITI INFOSD'ores et déjà nombre de maires anticipent cette situation en Polynésie française. J'ai l'exemple de premiers magistrats de petites communes …
Радио Голос России Приветствия народов мира. РукопожатиеРадио Голос РоссииНо самое экзотичное на европейский взгляд приветствие принадлежит эскимосам, жителям Полинезиии некоторым племенам Африки, у которых при встрече принято тереться носами. Этнографы …
Stuff.co.nz A week on the box: November 23-29Stuff.co.nzIn this one-hour special, Kiwi food expert Peta Mathias goes on a cultural and culinary journey around the mesmerising islands of French Polynesia. …
Discover Magazine (blog) The flux of genes on the South SeasDiscover Magazine (blog)The genetic admixture in Polynesian history between East Asians (87%) and Near Oceanians (13%) occurred 3 kya, prior …