Meeting with a MeteorParade Magazine(November 7, 2010) Back in July of 1973, I was on a US Air Force night flight, down in the South Pacific northeast of French Polynesia …

Meeting with a MeteorParade Magazine(November 7, 2010) Back in July of 1973, I was on a US Air Force night flight, down in the South Pacific northeast of French Polynesia …
В лодке без еды и воды в открытом океане 50 дней! Как они выжили?Комсомольская правдаИтак, главные герои: 14-летний Эдвард Насау и его 15-летние двоюродные братья Фило Фило и Сэм Перес. …
Polynésie : baisse des tarifs à bord du Paul GauguinTourMaGazine.frLe gouvernement polynésien annonce une baisse des taxes portuaires pour 2011. Une baisse qui se répercute sur le prix des billets …
French Polynesia budget impasse extended into next weekRadio New Zealand InternationalFrench Polynesia's assembly finance committee has again failed to make progress on the 2011 budget and deferred its next discussions …
Treehugger Warm Water and El Niño Effect Killing Off Young Coral Reef FishTreehuggerA team of biologists looking at the arrival of young fish along the Rangiroa coral atoll in French …