Would you sail the oceans with small children?Independent OnlineAfter visiting a few Caribbean islands, they will go to Panama, transit the canal and visit the Galapagos and Marquesas islands, French …

Would you sail the oceans with small children?Independent OnlineAfter visiting a few Caribbean islands, they will go to Panama, transit the canal and visit the Galapagos and Marquesas islands, French …
Coup d'envoi du séminaire sur la fiscalité communalTAHITI INFOSEn l'absence du Président de la Polynésie française, en déplacement à l'extérieur du Pays, il me revient l'honneur de vous souhaiter la …
The Hilton Moorea Celebrates its Ten-Year Anniversary with Tahiti 20-TEN …RedOrbitThere's no place better to unplug from this high tech world than the tropical paradise that is French Polynesia, but …
Excite France Location Polynésie : choisir son îleExcite FranceUn séjour en Polynésie, est l'occasion de découvrir les îles montagneuses de la Société ou des îles basses de l'archipel des Tuamotu. …
Tahiti Party alarmed at Easter Island violenceRadio New Zealand InternationalFrench Polynesia's pro-independence Tavini Huiraatira Party has expressed its indignation over reports of violence on Chile's Easter Island. … More: continued …