New delay in French Polynesia budget processRadio New Zealand InternationalThe French Polynesian assembly's finance commission has again deferred its first meeting to discuss the 2011 budget as the territory is …

New delay in French Polynesia budget processRadio New Zealand InternationalThe French Polynesian assembly's finance commission has again deferred its first meeting to discuss the 2011 budget as the territory is …
French Tribune Plagiarism? I've heard that one Peltzer, the Chancellor of the University of French Polynesia, has been accused of lifting bits from Umberto Eco. …French regulation restricts throttle … French law limit stifles court action in Tahiti plagiarism caseRadio New Zealand International… says a French law stopped plans to take legal action for alleged plagiarism by the president …
Fritch mooted as French Polynesia president in new dealRadio New Zealand InternationalReports from French Polynesia say pro-autonomy parties have discussed a proposal to reunite by making the vice-president, Edouard Fritch, …
A breizou, de mon 10H39nouvelobs.comQuel lien entre faites vous entre la Polynésie Française et Haïti? Ne feriez-vous pas une confusion entre Haiti et Tahiti? Il croyait que les Haïtiens … …