Campaigning begins in French Polynesia's Mahina electionRadio New Zealand InternationalCampaigning has officially begun in French Polynesia in the early municipal election in Mahina, with nine groups in the race. Voting …

Campaigning begins in French Polynesia's Mahina electionRadio New Zealand InternationalCampaigning has officially begun in French Polynesia in the early municipal election in Mahina, with nine groups in the race. Voting … French author accused of plagiarising EcoMontreal GazetteA group of world-renowned thinkers have called on Louise Peltzer, the head of the University of French Polynesia, to explain the "troubling similarities …
3News NZ Tonga's Ashika trials due in three weeksRadio New Zealand InternationalThe Ashika ferry was operated by the government-owned Shipping Corporation of Polynesia (SCP), whose CEO, New Zealand businessman John …
Un logo Bio pour la Polynésie FrançaiseTAHITI INFOSTout produit en conversion, certifié ou garanti par une norme d'agriculture biologique homologuée en Polynésie française pourra bénéficier de ce logotype …et plus …
Louise Peltzer se défend de tout plagiatLibérationLouise Peltzer, la présidente de l'université de Polynésie La lecture de cet article est réservée aux abonnés LIBE+. Abonnez-vous dès maintenant, …Université: directrice accusée …