West Linn Tidings Come Selah wayWest Linn TidingsThe crew – members of the Francis family of West Linn and the Haugen family of Oregon City – heads out on “the …

West Linn Tidings Come Selah wayWest Linn TidingsThe crew – members of the Francis family of West Linn and the Haugen family of Oregon City – heads out on “the …
French Senate approves new electoral system for French PolynesiaRadio New Zealand InternationalThe French Senate has approved a new electoral system for French Polynesia in a bid to end the territory's …
Le Post Tahiti: visite du député européen Maurice PongaLe PostMaurice Ponga a effectué sa première visite en Polynésie en tant que député européen représentant la section Pacifique de la circonscription …
Opposition lashes out at French Polynesia's TemaruRadio New Zealand InternationalThe French Polynesian opposition has accused the president, Oscar Temaru, of using a tyrant's language by warning of a social explosion …
Прайм-ТАСС Права без границПрайм-ТАСС…Фиджи, Французская Полинезия, Ямайка, Япония. Для путешествий в этих странах нужны международные права. Поэтому ГИБДД рекомендует в подобных случаях предварительно получить международное водительское удостоверение и уточнить в …