Kon-Tiki explorer was partly right – Polynesians had South American Heyerdahl clung to Kon-Tiki, his balsa wood raft, for 4300 miles to show that Polynesia could have been …

Polynesia Kon-Tiki explorer was partly right – Polynesians had South American Heyerdahl clung to Kon-Tiki, his balsa wood raft, for 4300 miles to show that Polynesia could have been …
Push for marijuana decriminalisation in French PolynesiaRadio New Zealand InternationalAn independent member of French Polynesia's assembly is leading a push for marijuana to be decriminalised. The drug is making headlines …
Sydney Morning Herald (blog) Wherever you go, there's always an AussieSydney Morning Herald (blog)He lives in paradise, after all: a deserted island in French Polynesia. It's all palm trees up …
Les Nouvelles de Tahiti Paka : le débat part en volutesLes Nouvelles de TahitiEn Polynésie, la légalisation contrôlée du paka fait débat. Des élus UPLD souhaitent l'ouvrir au sein de …
L'ASN poursuit sa mission de coopération en Polynésie française en …News Press (Communiqué de presse)Dans le cadre de la convention de coopération signée en juillet 2009 entre M. Oscar Temaru, …