Japanese politicians lack the 'super-natural powers' to rule the countryMainichi Daily NewsThe king of one tribe in Polynesia in ancient times was bound hand and foot. He feared that his …

Japanese politicians lack the 'super-natural powers' to rule the countryMainichi Daily NewsThe king of one tribe in Polynesia in ancient times was bound hand and foot. He feared that his …
Alerte à la forte houle en Polynésie française – actualisation le …TAHITI INFOSA 20 heures, Météo France a réduit la vigilance au niveau orange pour les Iles de la Société …
Allentown Morning Call Mr. Ho rolls to exotic pop instrumental soundsAllentown Morning CallEsquivel, as his name indicates, came from Mexico rather than Polynesia or Hawaii. But his music was certainly …
Radio New Zealand International Tahiti opposition lobbies against decolonisation bidRadio New Zealand InternationalThe opposition in French Polynesia has approached the New Zealand prime minister and the French foreign minister to …
Les Nouvelles de Tahiti Le CESC tire la sonnette d'alarmeLes Nouvelles de TahitiLa quatrième institution vient de voter à l'unanimité un projet de rapport examinant la situation des personnes âgées …