NAM supports French PolynesiaFiji TimesFOREIGN Minister Ratu Inoke Kubuabola says Fiji and Papua New Guinea are humbled by the Non-Aligned Movement's decision to support the rights of the people of …

NAM supports French PolynesiaFiji TimesFOREIGN Minister Ratu Inoke Kubuabola says Fiji and Papua New Guinea are humbled by the Non-Aligned Movement's decision to support the rights of the people of …
Осторожно: экстрасенсорика!RT.KORRВрач – колдун из Полинезииназывает её Мана, Франс Месмер называл её Животным магнетизмом, гомеопаты – Жизненной силой, русская парапсихология – Биоплазмой. Именно на этой мнимой энергетической силе и сосредоточено … (press release) Tahitian Business and Tourism in Family Since 1929: Hardie Brothers Continues … (press release)He left his wife and children behind and began a new life far from …
Ouest-France Robert Durand, irradié des essais nucléaires, décoré le 8 maiOuest-FranceRobert Durand, un irradié, parmi tant d'autres, des 210 essais nucléaires français dans le désert Algérien puis en Polynésie française, …
TAHITI INFOS Liste officielle des 45 candidats au 1er tour des législatives en …TAHITI INFOSLe Haut-Commissaire a fixé sous n° 636/DRCL du 12 mai 2012 la liste des candidats à …