Enjoy a Luau by Jimmy Buffett's at the BeachcomberUrban OahuHonolulu, Hawaii – To set the tone for an incredible and one of a kind evening in Waikiki, the new “Luau …

Enjoy a Luau by Jimmy Buffett's at the BeachcomberUrban OahuHonolulu, Hawaii – To set the tone for an incredible and one of a kind evening in Waikiki, the new “Luau …
Paris, du 29 mai au 7 juin : «Le ciel polynésien : observer …AggloTV (Communiqué de presse)Dans le cadre de son Festival Hotu Ma'ohi 2012 et à l'occasion du passage …
Community Briefs: Postal carriers set up food driveBlueRidgeNow.comW. The teachings of the Kahuna tradition of Polynesia/Hawaii are thousands of years old. They begin with concepts of the "Three Selves" that …
Les Nouvelles de Tahiti Maeva Salmon est inéligibleLes Nouvelles de TahitiLa déléguée de Polynésie pourrait faire appel devant le conseil constitutionnel mais celui-ci n'est pas suspensif. C'est raté pour les …
Hot deals: Hawaii & Tahiti, Hoi AnThe Bay of Plenty TimesCruiseabout has a 17-night cruise on board Celebrity Solstice departing Sydney and taking in Noumea (New Caledonia); Papeete (Tahiti); Moorea …