Phuket: The ancient ways of breathing underwaterThe Phuket NewsSimone Allène worked for financial institutions but left the sharks of 'The City' for the 'real' ones in 1998. She has been …

Phuket: The ancient ways of breathing underwaterThe Phuket NewsSimone Allène worked for financial institutions but left the sharks of 'The City' for the 'real' ones in 1998. She has been …
Tiki Band Leader Talks About Drinking Mai Tais With Anthony Bourdain And SoCal …LAistMeanwhile I was doing music for the Waikiki show Magic of Polynesia, whose choreographer was the inventive …
Les requins désormais protégés en Polynésie franç… les espèces de requins dans la zone économique exclusive (ZEE). Le gouvernement de la Polynésie française a intégré lundi le requin mako, la …
3News NZ Samoa likely to be spared second lashing from Cyclone Evan3News NZVIDEO: Footage of Cyclone Evan · PHOTOS: Cyclone Evan's trail of destruction. The Samoan government has issued a … Greg Norman Junior Masters underwayiseekgolf.comThrough 36 holes of this year's event Indooroopilly Golf Club's Kade McBride leads by two over Matthew Cheung and by three over Ryan Gaske, the …