24th Annual Palm Springs International Film FestivalKMIR-TVKon Tiki (Norway/UK) – A real-life action-adventure, the film follows Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl and five fellow scientists on a 1947 voyage of 4,300 …

24th Annual Palm Springs International Film FestivalKMIR-TVKon Tiki (Norway/UK) – A real-life action-adventure, the film follows Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl and five fellow scientists on a 1947 voyage of 4,300 …
Apia devastated by pounding by Cyclone EvanRadio AustraliaFM stations have struggled and I understand that Radio Polynesia compound was flooded as well. I mean their generator, so they might be …
Les requins désormais protégés en Polynésie française, l'ONG Pew …TAHITI INFOSPARIS, 07 déc 2012 (AFP) – L'organisation Pew a salué vendredi la décision du gouvernement de Polynésie française de protéger …
The Unspoiled Beauty of American SamoaAtlanta Black StarIf you're seeking a Polynesia that's authentic, full of adventure opportunities and nearly devoid of tourists, American Samoa may be just the place. …
BBC News World's largest shark sanctuary createdUPI.comThe South Pacific island chain, a self-governing parliamentary democracy in free association with New Zealand, declared a 700-square-mile sanctuary contiguous with one created last …