UMaine philosophy professor finds adventure on the high seasBangor Daily NewsFor part of February, she was in Mangareva in French Polynesia; before that, the tiny, isolated Pitcairn, where the H.M.S. …

UMaine philosophy professor finds adventure on the high seasBangor Daily NewsFor part of February, she was in Mangareva in French Polynesia; before that, the tiny, isolated Pitcairn, where the H.M.S. …
Polynesian bid for UN relisting may be resolved this weekRadio AustraliaMr Temaru has travelled several times to New York to lobby for the relisting. Pro-autonomy parties in French Polynesia claim …
La Polynésie fait passer l'autodétermination par l'ONULibérationLa réinscription de la Polynésie française sur la liste de l'ONU des Territoires non-autonomes à décoloniser, sera soumise «en mars» aux Nations unies, a …
Top Actus Santé Epidémie de dengue en Polynésie française : Moorea et Tahiti …Top Actus SantéTahiti et Moorea sont touchés par l'épidémie de dengue qui sévit actuellement en Polynésie française. …
If you thought a roll of Canadian pennies is worth 50 cents, think again.Huffington Post CanadaFrench Polynesian Franc. <strong>FUN FACT:</strong> The colorful, floral notes of French Polynesia feature <a href="" …