Pacific: Australia's private backyard?Island BusinessWe have seen this play out after every political crisis, be it in Melanesia or Polynesia'. A recent doctoral thesis titled “Overseeing and Overlooking: Australian engagement …

Pacific: Australia's private backyard?Island BusinessWe have seen this play out after every political crisis, be it in Melanesia or Polynesia'. A recent doctoral thesis titled “Overseeing and Overlooking: Australian engagement …
Assemblée de Polynésie : 11 projets de Lois du Pays à J-39TAHITI INFOSPAPEETE, mercredi 13 mars 2013. Les élus de l'assemblée de Polynésie française reprennent le chemin de la place …
Sydney Morning Herald Frequent cruiser: Ian CrewsswellSydney Morning HeraldBack to Bora Bora, French Polynesia. As cliched as it sounds the pristine beaches and beautiful island are truly paradise on earth. …
Temaru's decolonisation fight back onIsland BusinessFrom a distant possibility to a distinct probability, President Oscar Temaru looks set to drag French Polynesia, much of it kicking and screaming, into an …
Sydney's 'buried' Pacific treasuresIsland BusinessThe three levels of storage that house all the Pacific artifacts are loosely divided into Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. A lot of the stuff is ancient …