Rudy Maxa's World: Escape to French PolynesiaKQED(DT9.1, 9.2, 9.3) This morning we had a very brief outage of our over the air (OTA) coverage for KQED 9.1/9.2/9.3, which lasted apx …

Rudy Maxa's World: Escape to French PolynesiaKQED(DT9.1, 9.2, 9.3) This morning we had a very brief outage of our over the air (OTA) coverage for KQED 9.1/9.2/9.3, which lasted apx …
A Thin Line Between Democracy and Independence in French PolynesiaGlobal Voices OnlineOn the heels of French Polynesian anti-independence politician Gaston Flosse's [en] victory in the islands' presidential elections earlier this …
Libération Polynésie : fraîchement élu, Gaston Flosse dénonce "la dictature" de …FRANCE 24À l'instar de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et des Nouvelles-Hébrides, la Polynésie française était inscrite sur la liste des territoires …
Radio 1 Tahiti Départ des Championnats de Polynésie de triathlon 2013Radio 1 TahitiLaisser un commentaire. Départ dimanche des Championnats de polynésie de Triathlon © DR (illustration). La fédération tahitienne de …