Newlyweds' vow: to embrace French Polynesia no matter the weatherKitsap SunSipping drinks under a tarp on the southwest coast of Tahiti, my wife and I had a crisis of confidence. …

Newlyweds' vow: to embrace French Polynesia no matter the weatherKitsap SunSipping drinks under a tarp on the southwest coast of Tahiti, my wife and I had a crisis of confidence. …
Pageant lures city beautyLiverpool City Champion… for the Mr and Miss Polynesia Pacific pageant. Picture: Kiara Rose Photography. IT'S ONLY a week until 20-year-old New Zealander and Liverpool beauty Shiloh …
Radio 1 Tahiti Benjamin Castaldi grand fan de la PolynésieRadio 1 TahitiCastaldi Après le “Loft” ou encore “Secret Story”, Benjamin Castaldi prend l'air et s'apprête à débarquer à Tahiti. Nous …
Reddit Surfers Discuss The Merits Of Riding A Wave StonedHuffington Post (satire)SURF-FRANCE-POLYNESIA. Australian surfer Mick Fanning competes on August 18, 2013 during the 2013 Billabong Pro Tahiti surf competition, in …
Deux "halau" métropolitains reçus à la délégation de PolynésieTAHITI INFOSPARIS, samedi 14 septembre 2013 – (communication de la Présidence) Le Délégué de la Polynésie française, Gérald Huioutu, et son adjointe, …