Rats! Diet of Easter Islanders RevealedLiveScience.comIn some cases, the rats were probably transported intentionally to be used as food, something supported by ethnographic accounts stating that, in some areas …

Polynesia Rats! Diet of Easter Islanders RevealedLiveScience.comIn some cases, the rats were probably transported intentionally to be used as food, something supported by ethnographic accounts stating that, in some areas …
En Polynésie, la consommation de paka commence trop tôtTAHITI INFOS1988, 1999 et 2009 ce sont les dates des trois grandes enquêtes menées en Polynésie sur la consommation de drogue. Une …
Aquilano-Rimondi offer pretty, colorful looksGreenwich TimeMILAN (AP) — The design team of Tommaso Aquilano and Roberto Rimondi may start with Paul Gaugin in Polynesia or African Masai crafts, but the …
French President enthusiastic at prospect of first NZ visitNew Zealand HeraldIts two big territories, French Polynesia and New Caledonia, are facing demands for independence. Prime Minister John Key discussed the …